Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

Final Study Sheet

1. What geographic phenomena is Spain and Portugal located on? Iberian Peninsula
2. What were the primary purposed of the exploration of America?
Gaining Natural Resources, expanding territories, spreading religion
3. Where did Christopher Columbus first land in the Americas? Bahamas
4. What prominent natural resources did Spanish settlers reap from the American Continent? Gold, Silver, Tobacco, Potatoes
5. Where in the U.S. did the history of Latinos begin? Florida and South Western regions.
6. Who where the first U.S. citizens to successfully navigate the Western United States? Lewis and Clark (1804-1806)
7. Who was the first Spanish to successfully navigate the Western United States? Juan Bautista de Anza (1750's)
8. What was the Spanish Inquisition (Also called the Reconquest)?
Spain outlawed all religion other than Catholicism (Judaism and Islam was no longer allowed)

Key Facts
- During early Spanish colonization Native American were given the choice to convert to Catholicism, relocate, or die.
- Indigenous people were inappropriately called Indians because the first settlers thought they had landed in India when they had actually discovered the Americas.
- there are few or no existing historic accounts written by Native Americans documenting their history due to the fact they were destroyed or lost during the process of colonization
- Native Americans were primarily peaceful people until Europeans started to murder the indigenous and plunder the land.
- The indigenous population of the Americas was decimated due to war and disease brought by the Europeans
- Missionaries were more compassionate to the indigenous than the conquistadors. For Example: They built schools, communities and learning native languages.
- Indigenous often revolted and ran away from missions and English settlements due to the harsh labor requirements
- Spanish settlers would have children with indigenous women. These children were called Mestizo
- What was the racial hierarcy in Spanish colonies?
1. Spaniard (Born in Spain)
2. Creole (American Born but pure-blood spanish)
3. Mestizo (Mixed-Blood Spanish and indigenous)
4. Indigenous people
5. Blacks (slaves)

Key Terms
Economy - system of wealth and business
Indigenous - Native People
Colonization - The process of European countries forcibly claiming land
Evangelism - The process of converting people to Catholicism (or Christianity more generally)
Hispanic - People born in Spain or direct descendant of Spain
Latino - People born in countries that are predominantly Spanish speaking (other than Spain)
Minuscule - A small amount
Precedes - To come before
Mutiny - revolt against the authority
Acculturation - the adoption of culture (often forced)
Missions - communities focused on converting the indigenous populations to Catholicism (or Christianity on the whole)
Chronicle - Historical written document
Hierarchy - designated order of importance

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Final Essay Due 6/14

3 Page RESEARCH Paper
(Typed, Double Spaced, 12 size font, Times New Roman font style)
Print or EMAIL to
DUE 6/14

Give a detailed historical account of a Latino Country of your choosing.

Must have 2 resources listed in Bibliography (4th page of paper)
(Accepted Resources are: Website, Book, Encyclopedia, Article)

Make Up Essay (Only if you DID NOT do Presentation)

5 Page Paper
(Typed, Double Spaced, 12 size font, Times New Roman font style)
Print or EMAIL to
DUE 6/14

Write about any location you've visited outside of the U.S.
(If not write about a place outside New York).

In the Paper you must Discuss the Following:
1. Where, When and Why you went to the chosen location?
2. What did you do while you were there?
3. What are some interesting Historical facts about the location?
4. Compare and Contrast that place with where you live currently.
5. Focus and elaborate on key Similarities and Differences.
6. What was your most memorable moment?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Multi-Cultural Experience Project

If you are not prepared to present on scheduled day you can reschedule but 10 points will be deducted from your total project grade

a. Presentation - Choose 1 place you have visited outside the Country / If not choose place outside New York / If not choose distinct region within New York (e.g. Jamaica Ave vs. Liberty Ave.)
- Must be 5-10 minutes long.
- Must utilize visual aid (e.g. props, momentum's, powerpoint, slideshow, pictures, website)
- Try to make presentation interactive and interesting.
- You cannot read off paper.

b. Paper - Write about this chosen location. Discuss where, when and why you went to the chosen location. How long were you there and what did you do while there? Compare (Similarities) and Contrast (Differences) that location with the U.S. (or NY). Elaborate on something new your learned

- 2 pages (Typed, Double Spaced, 12 size font, Times New Roman font style)
- Paper is Due the day you present

Friday, May 7, 2010

5/5/10 Quiz Study Sheet

Below is the information that will be present on the in class quiz. If you wish to make up the quiz you can set up a time during my free periods (4,5,7,9)

Che' - A Revolutionary who dedicated his life to political reform and revolution in 10 Latin-American Countries (Cuba, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatamala, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Panama, Mexico, and Costa Rica). He also contributed to revolts in The Congo of Africa.

His real name is Ernest Guevara and he was born in Argentina 1928. As an Argentinian he often repeated the word Che' in normal conversation much like we repeat "um" in English. This is the origin of his nick name. He was executed in Bolivia 1967. He was an expert at guerrilla warfare and therefore an example of a violent reformer or revolutionary. Historically there are many examples of both violent and non-violent activists. Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatmas Gandhi are examples of non-violent activists. Che' and Malcom X would be examples of violent activists.

Make Up Test Protocol

Make up Quizzes and Tests can be done during period 4,5,7 or 9.